October 10, 2006

A New Leaf

Autumn Leaves on a Tree, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.

'I'm turning a new leaf.' Have you ever heard people say that? Usually it's accompanied by some action point or resolution to change one's behavior. The person is all excited and determined to bring into reality some dream or vision they've been putting off until the statement is declared and they can begin the new process.

Unfortunately, the excitement almost always quickly wears off and the determination is not as strong as it seemed at the start, especially when failure is first experienced and the weighty responsibility of the task bears down harder as time passes. Then guilt taints the whole project as expectations continually are not met, so much so that it feels better to just free oneself from the original goal and give it up.

The reason I mention all this is because I want to turn a new leaf with this blog, and I will likely experience all and more of what I've described above. Even if very few read my words, I want to be faithful in regularly updating and laying down thoughts and observations as my friend Billy has been so diligent with of late. There's no doubt there will be times when both of us forget our 'duty' and let enough time pass for guilt to creep up, but it is my hope that I (and he) will push through and keep writing.

I hope my words are ones with which you can empathize, be encouraged by, be inspired by or at least laugh at from time to time. Please leave me comments whenever you wish, giving me some of the wisdom you gain as you live your life.


Anonymous said...

Funny you should choose a tree theme THIS weekend... HMMM...

Anonymous said...

i read your words, keep turning leaves, cam!