October 10, 2006

Eye of God

Eye of God
Originally uploaded by
It's been a while since I've blogged, so I thought I'd make a comeback with one of the most interesting pictures I've seen in a while. A friend sent it to me; it was taken by the Hubble telescope (it's actually a composite of many photos), which is a device we should all work to preserve and support. It was on NASA's website in May 2003 and has been referred to since by the general public as the "Eye of God." It's actually the Helix Nebula and it has a Sun-like star at its center which is dying and emitting gases.

Images like this cause us to realize how small we are. This thing is something like (literally) a trillion miles long! It makes us wonder about the universe outside of our little existence here on earth. It makes us wonder what it's all there for. It sometimes just leaves us breathless in awe. Why do we feel this way? What is it about something in space that looks like an eye that causes us to ponder the meaning of our own lives? In that search, do we find significance or insignificance?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of one of your eyes -- BIG!