October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Cam and Rodney, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.

Hey all! This is my buddy Rodney. Rodney's an interesting guy; I encourage anyone in downtown Morgantown to get to know him. He's deaf and mute, but that certainly doesn't limit his communication much that I can tell. He reads and writes real well and also signs, though faster than I can keep up with (I only know most of the alphabet, though Sarah might eventually learn sign language through social work and I can bum off her).

Rodney comes by so.zo almost everyday just to hang out. Sometimes he asks for money or food and we help him out when we can, but mostly I think he just needs some good friendship. It's been a true joy getting to know him a little bit. He's really funny! Sarah and I both think he has a great smile.

Halloween's gotta be Rodney's favorite holiday, 'cause he's been talking about it for the last couple months. So this morning, bright and early after our leadership meeting, he comes busting through the door with this Dr. Strange outfit on!!! It was hilarious. He's very expressive when he communicates, especially because a lot of people don't know sign language, so he often acts out what he's trying to say.

Anyway, if you're ever at so.zo and you see him, say hi to Rodney. :o)

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