May 17, 2012

MUSIC SCORES I MADE: a tiger, kids & a hippo

I realized I've never shared movie music I've created!

The Tiger's Gift is a wonderful animated short film for which I had the honor of composing and recording the score. Josh Addessi and Jimi Bonogofsky, Digital Media Arts grads from Huntington University, created and animated it. They've since entered it into several shows and it seems to charm children's audiences! In fact, it won the Animated category in the 2012 Sundial Film Festival

(Quick story: I was under a deadline to complete The Tiger's Gift score. Deadlines and me hate each other. Nonetheless, my enemy Deadline always wins, and as it was approaching I ended up staying up literally all night on the final day. A 3-hour detour from composing came in the very unexpected visit of a nervous friend of ours named Joel who knocked on our door after midnight with a bleeding finger. He said he was trying to open a can. Upon inspection, I found that it was DEEP and I tried to stop the blood flow with peroxide, gauze, Neosporin, bandages, etc. to no avail. So I took him to the emergency room [he doesn't drive and was probably too frantic to do so, anyway] where I watched him hilariously and repetitively drill the staff about how this was going to affect his work with cleaning a fish pond the following day for a shut-in woman. Joel is an inquisitive man. They told him, 'Don't stick your hand in a pond.' He also asked the triage guy if he'd ever seen a cut like this, to which he replied, 'Only about three thousand times.' Joel turned out fine and I finished the score in the wee hours, and the two events shall always be linked in my memory.)

Two more films I provided music for are I Think I Might Be that Jimi worked on with my sister Colleen and Birds of a Feather, a stop motion short film that Colleen and her husband Cevin made (I particularly enjoy the way the theme turned out for the titles). Enjoy!

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