October 5, 2010

SAVE 'Blue Like Jazz' (the movie)

This is worth noting.

Probably many of you have read Blue Like Jazz by Don Miller. It offered 'non-religious thoughts on Christian spirituality,' and that's exactly why it's been so cherished. It's just one funny, smart and thoughtful man's journey through the Christian faith at a very secular college and beyond. So many have found it encouraging because it spoke more deeply and more simply about what drew us to Christ in the first place: the relationship. The relationship with an ever-loving, ever-molding God. We found that Don spoke of what we were longing for, and he gave the OK to talk about Christian themes in a more conversational way than many of us thought our 'religion' allowed.

The book was being made into a movie with a solid screenplay (from Don of course), but in September Don declared it 'dead' on his blog due to lack of funding. Two fans started an incentive on Kickstarter, which helps fund creative projects, and the rest of Blue Like Jazz's fans stepped up and they're only a couple weeks and less than $25,000 away from the goal. If this book and this author have touched your life, consider giving. Sarah and I just did! (And we'll get our names in the end credits under Associate Producers!)

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