July 8, 2008

Donald Miller is riding his bike for Africa

I just heard about this RIDE:WELL tour on Donald Miller's website, and I thought I'd help spread a little awareness. This guy is one of the most down-to-earth authors who's a Christian (note the difference from 'Christian author') I've read. We'd love to have him come for our event on the campus of WVU in February '09, 'Another World Is Possible,' so stay tuned to see if we can get him...


ck said...

he's riding through tennesee right now! i'm half tempted to go do the "ride along" in nashville. if only i had time...

colleen said...

whoa whoa whoa cameron. nice site update! and semi-regular posting, socially conscious topics...i am very impressed. nice blog.

colleen said...

i really like those little thumbnail pictures of people as links. you and christopher are so good at this...