December 15, 2005

Meet Sarah Meehan

This past weekend, a friend of mine and Billy came to Morgantown to visit and to speak at h2o. Sarah Meehan was in my GCM staff training class this summer. Her story is quite inspiring to me, as someone who strives to let WVU students know about the Kingdom in which they can become a vital part.

Sarah was a student here at WVU a few years ago. She didn't know God and wasn't interested in knowing Him. She would say herself that she epitomized the 'typical' party student: always looking for a good time and willing to do mostly anything to find it. She immersed herself in all the parts of college life for which WVU is unfortunately infamous.

When she graduated, she came home for the summer, and a friend of hers invited her to a Bible study. She wasn’t into that stuff, but she respected her friend and went with her for that reason. The same friend got her a Bible as a graduation present. Sarah didn’t read it at first, but then became curious and started ‘secretly’ reading, not telling anyone what she was doing. She started with the gospel of Mark, thinking the stories were kind of crazy, but she plodded on.

After a while, she found that the inside back of the Bible had a section entitled something like ‘How to know Jesus personally,’ and when she read it, she realized she wanted to respond. She prayed what is sometimes called the ‘sinner’s prayer’ and asked Jesus into her life.

Sarah’s life, however, didn’t change overnight. She continued to party with her friends and do all the same things she did before (plus reading the Bible), but now she began to feel bad about it. When she asked her friend what that meant, her friend explained how the Spirit was now in Sarah’s life, giving her conviction and direction.

She continued in fellowship with other believers and in studying the Word and allowed the ‘gentleman God,’ as she described Him, to radically change her desires and outlook on the world. Now she has come on staff with Great Commission Ministries with me and Billy and is readying to go to El Salvador (she speaks Spanish quite well) to tell people there about the Kingdom.

Sarah’s story gives hope to me, for when she was at WVU she was like many students I come across now. If God’s Word can change someone like that in a way that doesn’t show up till after college, then maybe my efforts here have an impact beyond what I can see. Thanks Sarah! (And correct me with a comment if I got any details wrong!)


Sarah Meehan said...

Cameron! Wow! Nothing wrong on my testimony. It is funny that I noticed that where I lived in Morgantown, there was (and still is) a campus ministry next door. I'm sure they were praying for our whole house! Amen. Thanks for allowing me to share...

cameron king said...

Thanks for the comment Sarah! Again, it was great to have you come in. Drop me an e-mail sometime and let me know how El Salvador stuff is going. :o)